Monday, October 7, 2013

Assignment 2: Finalize

The front page with enter button

The menu page which also represent the concept

The causes page

The Effect page with replay button to go back to menu page

Assignment 2: Idea Development

The Software Used
Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Director

NCH Wavepad
Creating the Final Product
Using Adobe Photoshop to edit all the images that I need to use

Using NCH Wavepad to edit the sound effect

Combining all the edited stuff into Adobe Director

Finally adding some coding for buttons inside Adobe Director

Assignment 2: Brainstorming, Concept and Sketches

Technology nowadays are very convenient but at some point, does it really all the way good like we thought it should be?
Children nowadays are exposed a lot with un-filtered materials from the media. Some of the messages received are well interpreted but some are not. but most of it gives a very negatives impact on the lifestyle of children nowadays.
Tone (metaphor):
The lollipop: represent the vulnerable yet bright children
The arrow: represent media nowadays
The effect: represent how the effect of media would occur
the red stage: represent life like a stage
Target Audience:
Adults / Parents

Assignment 2: Topic, Facts Finding

Issues relating Media and Children
Media’s presence in children’s lives is totally ubiquitous. Today, American children spend almost six hours a day with media. The potentially negative consequences of children’s media consumption receive a lot of attention. Yet media’s unique power and reach can also be used to educate children and enrich their lives.
Children spend more time with media than any other activity, except for sleeping.
Television, which once dominated children’s media consumption habits, is now joined by computers, video game players, cell phones and other connected devices. The result is that children today are completely immersed in media experiences from a very young age. Regulating the impact these experiences are having on our children has become very challenging, for parents and policymakers.


Television has the potential to generate both positive and negative effects, and many studies have looked at the impact of television on society, particularly on children and adolescents. An individual child’s developmental level is a critical factor in determining whether the medium will have positive or negative effects. Not all television programs are bad, but data showing the negative effects of exposure to violence, inappropriate sexuality and offensive language are convincing.


Music videos may have a significant behavioral impact by desensitizing viewers to violence and making teenagers more likely to approve of premarital sex. Up to 75% of videos contain sexually explicit material, and more than half contain violence that is often committed against women. Women are portrayed frequently in a condescending manner that affects children’s attitudes about sex roles.
Attractive role models are the aggressors in more than 80% of music video violence. Males are more than three times as likely to be the aggressors; blacks were overrepresented and whites underrepresented. Music videos may reinforce false stereotypes. A detailed analysis of music videos raised concerns about its effects on adolescents’ normative expectations about conflict resolution, race and male-female relationships.
Music lyrics have become increasingly explicit, particularly with references to sex, drugs and violence. Research linking a cause-and-effect relationship between explicit lyrics and adverse behavioral effects is still in progress at this time.


Some video games may help the development of fine motor skills and coordination, but many of the concerns about the negative effects of television also apply to excessive exposure to video games. Violent video games should be discouraged because they have harmful effects on children’s mental development. Parents should be advised to familiarize themselves with various rating systems for video games and use this knowledge to make their decisions.
The effect of violent video games on children has been a public health concern for many years. No quantitative analysis of video game contents for games rated as suitable for all audiences was made until 2001. The study concluded that many video games rated as suitable for all audiences contained significant amounts of violence (64% contained intentional violence and 60% rewarded players for injuring a character). Therefore, current ratings of video games leave much room for improvement.


The amount of time spent watching television and sitting in front of computers can affect a child’s postural development. Excessive amounts of time at a computer can contribute to obesity, undeveloped social skills and a form of addictive behavior. Although rare, some children with seizure disorders are more prone to attacks brought on by a flickering television or computer screen. No data suggest that television viewing causes weakness of the eyes. It may be different when a child is closely exposed to a computer screen for long periods, although there are no definitive references to support this.
Other concerns include pedophiles who use the Internet to lure young people into relationships. There is also the potential for children to be exposed to pornographic material. Parents can use technology that blocks access to pornography and sex talk on the Internet, but must be aware that this technology does not replace their supervision or guidance.

Media Arts 2: Assignment 2 Brief

Monday, July 15, 2013

Week 5 - Finalized Ideas

Title: Colors of Mak Yong
 The Art finalized work:
The sketch
The finished image
Project Brief for art:
Artist Statement:
The theme of this work is based on a local traditional dance that I choose, Mak Yong from Kelantan and combined it with the art style used by media artist, Gabriel Moreno.
From my own perspectives, I find Mak Yong is very colorful in many ways. In my work, I want to portray the colorfulness of their costume. In Mak Yong, their costume is the main identity and though it’s the main identity, the colors are a freedom. It wasn’t limited to one and only color which I find interesting.
Artwork Treatment:
I started by drawing roughly the image of the Mak Yong dancer. Later on I scanned and color the costume part of the Mak Yong dancer digitally. As the color isn’t limited, I try to combine the best color I can. Yellow for majestic since this dance used to be an entertainment for the royalties. Red for grabbing attention and violet since this dance is mysterious. It’s not clear how the dance originally exist.
The Design finalized work:
The Sketch
The finalized image
Project Brief for design:
Target Audience: Children
Artist Statement:
The theme of this work is based on a local traditional dance that I choose, Mak Yong from Kelantan and combined it with the art style used by media artist, Gabriel Moreno.
I wanted the younger generations to learn and be interested in knowing and understanding what is Mak Yong as one of the traditional dances in Malaysia. So I manipulated the color usage from my Art work and put it in Design. The aim to make Mak Yong appear colorful and interesting as well as keeping it’s natural elements which the gracefulness of Mak Yong’s dance for children.
Artwork Treatment:
the usage of color is the same as my Art, Yellow for majestic since this dance used to be an entertainment for the royalties. Red for grabbing attention and violet since this dance is mysterious. It’s not clear how the dance originally exist.
I started by drawing the woman and her costumes. Later I color it in Photoshop by using the reference of the media artist chosen, Gabriel Moreno.

Week 4 - Idea Development

The Initial idea and sketches I did for the art and design
Some of the idea I think about related to what I want to put inside the art and design
another stage of ideation.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 3: Stage 3 Precedence Study

Media Artist: Gabriel Moreno's work

More on these websites:
Traditional Dance: Mak Yong

Video of Makyong Performance :-
References :

Week 3: Stage 2 Research and Facts Findings

Gabriel Moreno usually use a main focus and other elements that will be blend together in the background. The idea for this work will feature a woman, the Mak Yong dancer and the elements that are also featured in a traditional Mak Yong dances. We will blend those elements together with the main Mak Yong dancer figure.

Colorful colors and lines and some monotones as the artist style
To stir curiosity in the new generation to know more about Mak Yong and to present this work to them in a creative, modern yet inviting way using Gabriel Moreno’s style of work so that they would have the curiosity to dig more. We also want to give some ideas and information to them of what Mak Yong is all about

Audience –
We aimed this work for the younger generation in primary school aged 6 to 10 years old.
Not only aimed for the Malay children’s, we also aimed for different races children’s.  
We especially aimed for those who doesn’t know or have a slight knowledge of Malay traditional dance and also media artist that we featured in this work.


Organization & Visual Structure:
i)                    Arrangement- we planned to arrange a woman which is the Mak Yong dancer as the main focus and to balance it; we will put other subject related to Mak Yong that follows the art style of Gabriel Moreno.

Readability & Efficiency:
i)                    Simplicity- this picture will be more on simplicity. Not to heavy with many lines and subject. The work will contain just enough to present Mak Yong and its elements.

i)                    Focal Point- Focal point will be the woman figure of Mak Yong dancer.

Voice & Credibility:
i)                    Color- we plan to use monochrome and very lively color as to harmonize with the style used by Of Gabriel Moreno.
ii)                  Space- The woman figure will take most of the space. Other elements will be blended together in the blank spaces. There will be some blank spaces left as well on purpose as not to make the work crowded.
iii)                Images- a woman which is the Mak Yong dancer and the elements used in Mak Yong performance. There are also some lines of different tones and colors to enhance the work.

About Gabriel Moreno:
Illustrator, engraver and painter based in Madrid. He graduated of Fine Arts in the University of Sevilla in 1998. Since then he worked in different design studios and advertisement agencies in Andalusia. In 2004 he moves to Madrid. In June 2007 he begins to show his portfolio and after being selected amongst the 20 new talents of illustration, by the London based magazine Computer Arts, he begins his successful career as an illustrator.

At present he has worked with virtually every major national agency, and is starting with his first commissions and international expansion. He has worked with numerous national and international publications, last August by the cover of the North American publishing Los Angeles Times Magazine

He has done many works till today. Advertisements, graphic drawings, websites and even product campaigns for certain brands. Throughout all his works, he maintained his styles of art and used it very well in all of his works.

He has his own studio based on Arenal 21, 3ºD 28013
Madrid Spain.

(Taken from his website

About Mak Yong:

What is Makyong?
-          Is a traditional dance-drama from Kelantan (to be specific from Pattani)
-          Experts believe Makyong is appeared before Islamization
-          Ritual performance for healing purpose
-          Was performed as a royal theatre under the direct patronage of the Kelantan Sultanate until the 1920s
-          Combines element of rituals, as well as stylized acting and dancing, vocal and instrumental music, songs, stories and formal and informal colloquialism without using text.
-          There are several important elements in a Makyong performance

Who are the characters in Makyong?
-          Have 16 characters in the performance.
-          Pak Yong Muda (Raja Tangkai Hati) – the male main character
-          Mak Yong- The women main character
-          Peran- funny character
-          Peran Tua – usually as Sultan’s adviser
-          Peran Muda- humor characters
-          Dayang/Inang
-          Played by the girls – accompany the dancers and Makyong
-          They also appointed as chorus (jung dondang) when they do not have in any character in the scene
-          Tok Wak – old man character
-          Dewa – Protagonist character (solve the problem etc)
-          Jin- Antagonist character (cause of conflict in Mak Yong story)
-          Binang character – Binatang – be a savior when other character in difficulties 

Where are Makyong performances?
-          Always performed at Palace for the King (a hundred years ago)
-          Now, they commercialized the performance
-          They change a little bit and put in some modern element

When is the performance performing?
-          If Palace have an special event
-          Before this, Makyong are presented after the villagers finish harvest
-          Nowadays, Makyong are presented in a taridra( for international level)

Why they are performed?
-          As a entertainment and also as a healing purpose

How they perform?
-      Performance opens with an offering followed by dances, acting and music as well as improvised monologues and dialogues.
-      After Rebab was played, the introduction section will be performing before they start the story
 -    The introduction session is to explain and give the understand to audience and knows about the character for them to fathom/understand the next scene.
  -          All the characters and dancers will come out and sit opposite the ‘rebab’ where the main character will sing ‘Lagu Mengadap Rebab’ and followed by dancing and singing followed by chorus or ‘jong dondang’
-         After that they will dance Tarian Sedayong Makyong and whosever participate will leave Pakyong at the main stage.
  -              Pakyong will sing Sedayong Pakyong and and called Peran Tua. Peran Tua will appear and Pakyong will ask Peran Tua to call his friend, Peran Muda.
  -         Peran Tua will sing ‘Lagu Saudara’ on his way to call Peran Muda. After they meet each other, they will go to meet their King; Pakyong and he will tell them the problem and ask Peran Tua and Peran Muda for the help. Here they will start the conflict/story all they called it as ‘Pecah Cerita’.
  -                  Here, Makyong story will change based on what start they will perform. This structure you will find in any Makyong’s performance.